Its superior transient response and light weight produce
excellent low distortion voice reproduction and high effi-
ciency. The result is exceptional sound from deep bass
through the all-critical midrange frequencies.
Thank you for selecting Russound Advantage Series
speakers. Like all Russound speakers, they combine
advanced acoustic technology with durability to provide
years of listening enjoyment. The Advantage speaker line
is composed of the Music and the Hi-Fi Series.
These powerful motors drive the woofer/midrange cone
to reproduce sound. Their advanced Finite Element
Analysis design means they are optimized to mate per-
fectly with the glass fiber cones, delivering all the power
needed with finesse and superior control. A dual vented
design and large Kapton® voice coil ensure adequate
power handling under the most demanding situations.
The Music Series is designed to provide an optimum bal-
ance between performance and price, delivering superior
sound for all applications at a most affordable cost. The
Music Series is perfect for multi-room audio systems as
well as surround sound applications, providing exemplary
reproduction throughout the home.
The Hi-Fi Series combines the finest components with
our most advanced drivers to deliver exceptional per-
formance in every application. From background music
to spectacular surround sound, Hi-Fi Series speakers
offer the finest sound around.
These fluid cooled devices utilize rare-earth Neodymium
magnet assemblies and lightweight domes to reproduce
every subtle nuance of the musical or cinema sound
source. A computer-designed lens helps smooth their
response and aids in delivering wide dispersion for excel-
lent sound throughout the listening area.
Iso-Mount™ technology takes the Advantage Series beyond
ordinary in-wall speakers by reducing undesirable wall
vibrations with a unique thermopolymer isolation mounting
gasket. Where typical in-wall speakers lack clarity due to
speaker-induced wall vibrations, Iso-Mount speakers offer
dramatic sonic improvement by letting the music come
only from the speakers, not from the wall as well. In addi-
tion, the innovative Twist & Lock™ mounting system incor-
porated in Iso-Mount models provides exceptionally easy
and secure installation.
The crossover is the traffic cop for the audio signal,
dividing the lows from the highs and sending them off to
the proper driver element. It also matches driver effi-
ciencies and phase relationships to make sure that the
different drivers work in unison. Advantage asymmetri-
cal crossovers are very sophisticated designs, blending
and matching the output of our proprietary drivers into a
seamless and accurate sound field. Asymmetrical refers
to the roll-off slope of the woofer/midrange being differ-
ent from the roll-on slope of the tweeter. The result is
both better driver integration and better time coherence
in the speaker’s output. We also use high quality compo-
nents to ensure long life and excellent unit-to-unit consis-
Iso-Mount speakers have a molded-in IR receiver open-
ing that allows mounting an infrared remote receiver
through the speaker baffle. The blue polymer plug is
designed to pop out for screw-in installation of an IR
receiver such as the Russound SaphIR™ Eye without
damaging the speaker baffle.
In addition to Iso-Mount and Twist & Lock features,
Russound Advantage speakers feature high quality driv-
ers, sophisticated crossover networks, and advanced
designs to ensure optimum reproduction in your home,
no matter what the source material may be.
This adjustment allows you to tailor the sound of
Advantage speakers to better match the listening envi-
ronment. The switch offers a flat response position (-)
and a plus 3 dB position (+). It is located on the front
baffle of Iso-Mount models.
Our woven glass fiber cone employs the best of modern
technology to deliver an optimum balance of performance.
Space Requirements & Impedance Matching
amounts of current to low-impedance loads. This may
lead to greater distortion, and causes the receiver to run
hot or activate its protection circuitry.
Russound Advantage Iso-Mount speakers require a mini-
mum wall depth of 3-5/8” (9.2 cm) (measured from the
outside face of the mounting surface), and require at
least 1.4 cubic feet of space behind the speaker for optimal
First, consult the owner’s manual for your amplifier or
receiver. It should state the minimum speaker imped-
ance during multiple speaker operation. The impedance
may also be printed on the back of the amplifier/receiv-
er next to the speaker connectors. If you can’t readily
determine this information, consult the dealer where you
purchased the amplifier or receiver, or call the manufac-
turer of the product in question.
• Any wallboard and 2x4 stud wall
• Lath and plaster wall
The impedance rating for your Russound Advantage
Music Series speakers is 8 ohms, 6 ohms for the Hi-Fi
Series. Next, determine the impedance of your other
speakers. It may be printed on the back of the speaker
near the connection terminals, or you can consult the
speaker’s owner’s manual. Speaker impedance must be
equal to or higher than the amplifier/receiver speaker
output impedance rating. For instance, an
• Wood paneling and 2x4 stud wall. The dense, rigid
nature of plasterboard (or lath and plaster) or thick
wood paneling acts as a superb speaker baffle.
• Brick or concrete walls where the wallboard or panel-
ing is attached to thin furring strips – This type of
wall can’t provide proper depth (clearance) for the
back of the Russound Advantage speakers.
amplifier/receiver that is rated for two pair of 8 ohm
speakers cannot support two pair of 4 ohm speakers.
• Locations concealing pipes, heating ducts and AC
wiring – These elements can complicate speaker
mounting and installation of speaker wire. AC wiring
can induce hum caused by close proximity to the
If the amplifier/receiver is not rated for the speaker con-
figuration desired, external volume controls and/or
speaker selectors can maintain the impedance levels
that will allow your amplifier/receiver to operate safely.
Russound makes a complete line of these products,
from Impedance-Matching Volume Controls to
Impedance-Matching Speaker Selectors. Ask your
Russound dealer for details or request a catalog from
Russound at 800-638-8055 (U.S. and Canada) or +1-
603-659-5170 from outside the U.S.
Not all amplifiers or receivers can safely operate two
sets of speakers at once. If you intend to run your
Russound Advantage speakers and your main speakers
concurrently, or if you intend to hook up and run two
sets of speakers at the same time, it’s important to con-
sider both the impedance of the speakers and the capa-
bilities of the amplifier or receiver you’re using.
A speaker’s impedance rating indicates the amount of
electrical resistance it places against current flowing from
a receiver’s outputs. If the total speaker load does not
present adequate resistance, the receiver increases its
power output. Low-impedance speakers may hamper
operations of receivers not designed to deliver large
Speaker Care
Transients are sudden uncontrolled signal changes that
can seriously damage any speaker, including your
Russound Advantage speakers. Transients may be
caused by turning the system on or off while the volume
is at a maximum level, or by disconnecting any hook-up
cables while the system is on, creating a burst of low
frequency hum. These conditions can cause serious
speaker damage and should be avoided. As a general
rule, always unplug the amplifier from the AC mains
before connecting or disconnecting any signal or speak-
er cable.
Russound Advantage Series speakers are built with qual-
ity materials to last a lifetime. They should work for as
long as you own your home and longer if you avoid the
• Too little power at high volumes
• Too much power
• Transients (immediate loud passages, thumps, etc.)
Speakers can be damaged when they are driven by an
amplifier/receiver that isn’t capable of delivering all the
“clean power” that is being demanded. When an ampli-
fier/receiver runs out of current due to high demand
while trying to re-create musical peaks, it causes a type
of output signal distortion called clipping. Clipping not
only makes the music sound unclear, over time it can
damage or destroy the speakers. If you’re listening at
loud volumes you may be unaware that clipping is
occurring, but the damage may already be done, as clip-
ping damage can be instantaneous or cumulative. If you
like your music loud, consider using an amplifier/receiv-
er with at least 50 watts per channel but remember:
you can damage any speaker with clipping, no matter
how well it is built.
Note: Russound does not guarantee its speakers against abuse,
including too little power at high volumes and too much
power. Damage from clipping or too much power is revealed
simply by looking at the speaker’s voice coils. When used with
care and common sense, your Russound speakers should pro-
vide a lifetime of listening pleasure.
There’s nothing wrong with driving your Russound
Advantage speakers with as much power as they are
rated for. The extra power helps them provide full, rich
sound and excellent transient response. However, you
should not be heavy-handed with the volume control. If
the music begins to sound distorted in any way, back off
the volume.
Getting Started & WHO – Installer Skills and Tools
There are several related factors that must be considered before the installation of your Russound Advantage speakers:
Who is doing the installation, the homeowner, or a professional installer?
What is the installation environment and the intended use (serious listening or background)?
When will the installation be performed – during pre-construction or retrofit in an existing home?
WHERE: Where is the best speaker location and where are the available speaker locations?
Wire should be what gauge and what length? Can the speaker wires be run to the intended location?
Will there be any IR receivers mounted in any Iso-Mount speaker locations? If so, what are the wiring
How are the speakers installed?
This manual is designed to make your Advantage Series
speakers as easy to install as they are to listen to. If
you’ve had any home “do-it-yourself” experience, you
should find installation of your new speakers a manage-
able job. You should have a basic understanding of
hand and power tool operations, a working knowledge of
your audio system, and be able to operate a multimeter.
•Length of stiff wire about 3 feet long (a straightened
wire coat hanger works well)
•Insulated staples for securing speaker wire
•1.5V AA battery
•Masking tape
•Paint and applicator for painting the grille and outer
We suggest you read through this manual first before
proceeding with installation to familiarize yourself with
the entire installation process. If you then decide that
installing your Russound Advantage Series Speakers is
beyond your skills, call your Russound dealer to arrange
for professional installation. Be ready to tell your
installer if the speakers will be used for serious listening
or for background sound, and to discuss the desired
speaker locations.
•Drill with a 1-inch flat bit
•Drill bit 1/4” larger than the diameter of the speaker
•Retractable utility knife, Roto Zip®, Dremel®, or key-
hole saw
• #2 Phillips-head screw driver to fit the screws for the
integral swing-out mounting clamps
• Bubble level
• Pair of diagonal cutters or wire strippers
• Stud finder
•Plumb bob or small weight on a string
•Cardboard mounting template (included with speakers)
WHAT – Speaker Usage and Environment
Before you decide where you want to install your
Russound Advantage speakers, you’ll need to deter-
mine their intended use. Will you be sitting in one
place listening to music or will you be playing back-
ground music during domestic and social activities?
Once you’ve determined where you will be while
you listen, you can decide where the preferred
speaker location will be. Russound Advantage
speakers have been designed to be suitable for
most listening environments.
Figure 1
Advantage Series Iso-Mount technology provides
superior performance by adding a proprietary ther-
mopolymer isolation gasket between the frame and
the baffle. This unique gasket dramatically reduces
unwanted wall vibrations to increase the clarity,
definition and accuracy of the sound produced.
This makes the Iso-Mount speakers perfect for
both serious listening and for background applica-
tions. The adjustable tweeter pivots for fine adjust-
ment of the speaker’s high frequency directivity,
and the symmetrical frame permits the speaker
baffle to be installed with the tweeter at the top or
the bottom of the speaker. Ideally, the tweeter
should be as close to ear level as possible when
you’re seated in the prime listening position.
WHEN – Pre-Construction or Retrofit Installation
Figure 2 New construction use of Rough-in
Not for use with Retrofit applications
Built-in speaker installation is more convenient during
home construction than after construction is completed.
Speaker wire can be routed to the destination before the
wallboard is installed, and possible hindrances such as
AC wiring, plumbing, or ductwork can be easily located
and avoided.
Speaker rough-in brackets are used in the pre-construction
phase of speaker installation during construction of new
homes and additions. Russound offers Speaker Rough-In
Brackets for the full line of Advantage speakers. These brack-
ets are designed to provide drywall installers the correct cut-
out pattern for the speakers. The brackets have “wings” that
are nailed/screwed/stapled onto the wall studs. Once the
wallboard is installed, the opening is cut out and the speaker
frame is inserted into the bracket.
2 x 4 STUD
feet of wire coiled up and secured to the back side of
the mounting frame. Excess length can be removed
during final assembly.
• Any speaker installed in a ceiling should have a safety
wire firmly tied between the back of the speaker assem-
bly and the frame of the building. Use any strong insu-
lated wire and connect it to the speaker being careful
not to let it interfere with the speaker’s operation. The
other end should be firmly attached to the studs or floor-
ing above using a hook, nail, or other reliable fastener.
When installing the pre-construction bracket, note that
there are holes molded into the bracket for speaker wire
tie-off. This keeps the wire from getting lost later during
the construction process. You can also tie the wire to
the bezel/mounting assembly once it’s installed, using
any of the rotating clamp towers.
• Use a small level to verify that the rough-in bracket is
• When installing the drywall, make sure the speaker
cut-out hole doesn’t extend farther than 1/4” from
the inside of the mounting frame. The flat rough-in
brackets and wings are thin enough that they won’t
interfere with wallboard installation.
• If possible, run speaker wires after AC wiring is in
place to avoid induced hum caused by close parallel
proximity of the two types of wire.
• After the wallboard is secured, install the speakers as
described in the installation instructions in this manual.
• If possible, run speaker wires after plumbing is in
place; wire can bend, pipes cannot.
• Secure speaker wires in place against a stud along
vertical runs with insulated staples only, being careful
not to pierce the wire insulation. Allow a bit of slack
for expansion of building materials.
If you are installing Russound Advantage speakers in an
existing home, you will need to be diligent in locating
existing pipes, ductwork, and AC wiring before cutting
any holes in the ceiling or walls. In many cases, these
obstructions are indicated by wall outlets, switches,
plumbing fixtures, radiators, etc.
• Horizontal runs should be routed through holes
drilled in studs at roughly equal heights.
• The actual speakers should not be installed until the
wallboard is in place. In the meantime, leave several
WHERE – Speaker Placement
It’s the whole point of having stereo instead of mono-
phonic sound.
Placement can make all the difference in how your
Russound speaker system sounds. There are at least four
related considerations that factor into the speaker layout:
To achieve good stereo imaging, the speakers are best
located 6 to 8 feet apart on the short wall of a rectangu-
lar room, if the prime listening location is opposite the
short wall. Optimally, tweeters should be located at ear
level when the listener is seated. Ceiling mounted speak-
ers are best located slightly forward of the listening posi-
tion with the tweeter aimed toward the listener.
• The intended use: critical listening, home theater, or
background music
• The room’s physical characteristics: hard, reflective
surfaces or soft, absorbent textures
• The listening locations: a desired prime listening
spot or a need for sound throughout the room
When setting up a home theater surround sound sys-
tem, it’s preferable to use wall mount rather than ceiling
speakers for the front three channels. The three front
speakers should be at close to equal heights, at ear
level when the listener is seated. The center channel
speaker should be located above the TV screen aligned
with the center of the screen, and the left and right
speakers should be about 3 or 4 feet to either side of
the screen. Left and right speakers placed too close
together or too far apart dissipate the illusion of being
“in the action” on the screen. (continued on next page)
• The available locations: unobstructed wall and ceiling
It may happen that the ideal or desired locations for the
speakers may have to be modified for feasibility.
If your Russound In-wall Speakers are going to be your
primary listening source in a room, you need to consid-
er some other factors to insure proper imaging. The
term “stereo imaging” refers to a speaker system’s abili-
ty to project music so that it sounds like the performers
are in a three-dimensional space between the speakers.
General Disclaimers – All rooms have different sound characteristics. Speaker location, listening loca-
tion, reflective and absorptive surfaces all have a dramatic impact on the sound you hear. The follow-
ing are only general recommendations and should not be considered the best or only solutions.
- Ceiling Speaker
- Wall Speaker
Figure 3-B
Good for serious
listening. Stereo pair
Figure 3-A
in-wall or in-ceiling.
Six to 8 feet apart,
on the long wall of a
rectangular room,
centered on the lis-
tening area. In-wall
speakers should be
at ear height when
seated, if possible.
Best for serious listening.
Stereo pair in-wall or in-
ceiling. Six to 8 feet
apart, on the short wall of
a rectangular room, cen-
tered on the listening
area. In-wall speakers
should be at ear height
when seated, if possible.
WHERE – Speaker Placement
For home theater, wall speakers for the front three chan-
nels create the illusion that the sound is coming from
the screen, which makes the viewing experience more
involving and believable. When you use ceiling speakers
for the front channels, the sound appears to come from
above the screen which is less believable. However,
excellent results are still possible if you follow certain
guidelines for placing the ceiling speakers.
For TV and movies, ceiling surround speakers should be
placed directly to the sides or rear of the prime listening
position, but be aimed away from the listener to reflect
the output off the rear or side walls. This configuration
is also suitable for a TV/movie and music mixed use.
If the prime purpose of the surround system is to listen
to music, the Iso-Mount wall speakers should be placed
closer to ear level. Ceiling speakers should be aimed at
the prime listening position.
1. Place the front speakers close to the same plane as
the front of the TV as possible.
The Advantage Twist & Tilt speaker design provides the
option of either uniform or focused dispersion, ensuring
that high quality sound fills the chosen listening area.
This ability to focus the sound where you need it most
provides increased flexibility with heightened fidelity.
After the frame is secured, the speaker/baffle portion
installs with a simple twist. The Twist & Tilt technology
offers the option of tilting the driver/baffle assembly 15
degrees to focus the sound towards the chosen listening
area or standard mounting for uniform dispersion.
2. Tilt the tweeters so they aim at the prime listening
3. Align the center channel speaker with the center of
the screen, and place the left and right speakers no fur-
ther than 4 feet from either side of the screen.
If the prime purpose of the surround system is to watch
TV and movies, the surround speakers should be placed
to produce a diffuse sound field. Iso-Mount wall speak-
ers should be placed to the sides or rear of the prime
listening location, located 24 inches or more above ear
level when the listener is seated. If this speaker location
is closer than 24 inches from the ceiling, mount the Iso-
Mount speaker baffle upside down in the wall frame
with the tweeter away from the ceiling.
Figure 3-C
Good for background
listening. Stereo pair
behind, above or to the
sides of the main listen-
ing area. Six to 8 feet
apart, centered on the
listening area. If in-wall
speakers are at ear
height when seated they
will be more distracting
because their high fre-
quency response will be
more prominent. The
same is true for ceiling
speakers located direct-
ly over the listening
Figure 3-D
Surround sound –
The multiple surround
locations can all be
made to work as long
as the speakers are
properly directed, as per
the recommendations in
these instructions.
Numbers designate
suggested locations for
position as opposed to
off to the side a bit.
WHERE – Speaker Placement
For best fidelity, there are several factors to keep in
mind before you begin actual installation.
In general, the best acoustic performance will result if
both speakers face a similar type of surface, are placed
in similar positions on the same wall or ceiling, and are
mounted to the same type of material with equal cavity
Bass frequencies are emphasized when an in-wall
speaker is placed close to a corner. This tends to make
male voices sound deeper and may muddy some
sounds such as soundtrack dialogue. Avoid placing just
one speaker in a corner and another on a long flat wall.
Treble is emphasized when it bounces back from reflec-
tive surfaces such as large windows. Conversely, highs
tend to be muffled by soft surfaces such as drapes,
rugs, upholstered furniture, etc. The best situation is a
mix of absorptive and reflective surfaces, which can be
achieved by adding throw rugs or insulated drapes to a
reflective room.
Figure 4
Wire – Wire Requirements
• Make sure that the entire wire path between speak-
ers and amplifier is clear and not obstructed by a
floor or ceiling joist, or a masonry wall which can’t be
drilled through. Confirm ahead of time that you can
drill an outlet hole easily and in an unobtrusive spot
to connect wires with the amplifier/receiver.
When purchasing speaker wire, you will need to select
the proper gauge, determine the length, and choose the
Wire is measured in gauges: the higher the number, the
thinner the wire. For example, 18-gauge wire is thinner
than 14-gauge wire. The length of speaker wire you’ll
need will vary with speaker placement. The gauge of
wire you need is determined by the distance between
your amplifier/receiver and the speakers. Use the fol-
lowing chart as a guide:
• Label speaker wires at each end “left” or “right” and
include room location. This simplifies speaker/receiv-
er hook-up once the speakers are installed.
Minimum Gauge
10 to 100 ft.
80 to 125 ft.
Over 100 ft.
We recommend using Russound AW series speaker
cable for amplifier-to-speaker connections, but any rep-
utable brand of 16- to 12-gauge multi-stranded wiring is
Incorporating optional IR receivers in Iso-Mount models
will require additional wire. Consult the selected IR
receiver model’s manual for the specific wire needs.
Care must be taken to avoid obstacles when running
wire. In general, you should pay particular attention to
the following:
• Avoid locations concealing pipes, heating ducts, and
AC wiring in the general vicinity.
• Avoid running speaker wires close to house electrical
wiring for any distance. If you have to run them paral-
lel, make sure to space the speaker wires at least
two feet from the AC line. It is, however, permissible
for speaker wires to cross paths with AC line or pass
through the same hole together with house wiring if
they separate before and after.
HOW – Painting the Speaker Frames and Grilles
Russound in-wall speaker frames and grilles are pre-fin-
ished with an off-white paint. You can choose to leave
them as is or paint them with latex wall paint or aerosol
spray paint to accent or blend with the wall or ceiling.
Separate and remove the speaker baffle from the
frame and set it aside.
Remove the scrim cloth by gently separating it from
the inside surface of the perforated grille, being careful to
keep it clean. Store it before you begin painting.
Paint the outer speaker frame and grille separately.
For the grille, Russound recommends a spray applica-
tion using latex paint diluted 4 to 5:1 with water. If
you’re using an aerosol spray paint, make sure that you
achieve the same coverage on both grille and frame.
Figure 5
While the paint is still wet on the grille, and the
grille is not in the frame, use a gentle burst of com-
pressed air against the outside surface to clear the fine
holes in the metal mesh.
After the paint has thoroughly dried, re-install the
speaker baffle inside the frame.
Reattach the scrim cloth to the grille, starting from
the edge and smoothing wrinkles as you go.
Figure 6
HOW – Painting the Speaker Frames and Grilles
Remove the speaker grilles from the frames, being
careful not to damage the paint. Use a small pointed
object and start at the corner or edge of the grille.
Remove the scrim cloth by gently separating it from
the inside surface of the perforated grille, being careful to
keep it clean. Store it before you begin painting.
Center the included black plastic paint shield over
the speaker baffle and press into the frame.
Paint the outer speaker frame and grille separately.
For the grille, Russound recommends a spray applica-
tion using latex paint diluted 4 to 5:1 with water. If
you’re using an aerosol spray paint, make sure that you
achieve the same coverage on both grille and frame.
While the paint is still wet on the grille, and the
grille is not in the frame, use a gentle burst of com-
pressed air against the outside surface to clear the fine
holes in the metal mesh.
After the paint has thoroughly dried, remove the
paint shield from the frame and store for future use.
The shield may be held in by a vacuum seal. Pull gently
but firmly to slowly break the seal and remove.
Reattach the scrim cloth to the grille, starting from
the edge and smoothing wrinkles as you go.
Note: Speaker frames can become bonded to the wall
or ceiling surface paint when they are painted after
installation. Use care not to break the surface of the
paint when replacing the grille or baffle in the frame.
HOW - Cutting Wall/Ceiling Opening for Speakers
cal cable, water pipe, or heating duct in that vicinity of
The following steps outline how to locate a section of
wall between two studs, mark the outer boundaries of
the hole, drill a small hole in the center to verify the
location and then cut the main hole.
wall), position the cardboard mounting template, and
draw around its outer perimeter with a pencil. If you
don’t trust your eye, use a level to make sure the hole
will be straight.
Drill a 1-inch hole in the center of the pencil out-
line which you have just drawn, just deep enough to
fully penetrate the wallboard.
Determine the location of the wall studs so the
speaker can be centered approximately between them.
There are several ways to go about this:
• Use a stud finder, a simple electronic device which works
by locating changes in wall density. Many stud finders can
also indicate the presence of live AC wiring.
Obtain a length of stiff wire such as a straightened
wire coat hanger. Bend it so that the last 6 or 8 inches
is at a right angle to the rest.
• Tap on the wall and listen to the resulting “THUMP.”
When it’s deeper and hollow sounding, you’re
between studs. When it’s sharper and more flat
sounding, you’re close to or over a stud.
Insert the angled part into the 1-inch hole you just
drilled and probe to left and right to confirm that a stud
is not too close on either side. Move the wire around in
a circular motion to check clearances above and below
the hole as well.
• Identify studs by the position of electrical outlets or switch-
es. There may be a stud directly to the left or right of such
electrical fixture. This gives you a point of measurement
since studs are either 24 or 16 inches on center in newer
houses, 12 inches apart on older homes.
• If there is a stud too close on one side, reposition
the cardboard template a few inches in the opposite
direction, and re-draw your pencil outline, keeping
the 1-inch hole within the pencil outline’s inner
When you’re reasonably sure of where the wall’s
studs are (and are completely sure there isn’t an electri-
Probe with wire
for stud
Trace template outline
Drill 1-inch pilot hole
Cut Speaker hole
along outline
Figure 7
HOW - Cutting Wall/Ceiling Opening for Speakers
you can fill the rest of the cavity from top to bottom, or
as far as you can access.
Carefully score the penciled outline of the template
with a sharp utility knife to avoid chipping paint or tear-
ing wallpaper. Then use a keyhole/drywall saw to cut
along the scored line. Make sure you don’t make it any
larger than the marked outline.
The following steps outline how to bring wires to the
amplifier location. The speaker wires will be terminated
in an outlet box attached to a stud (during construction),
or a retrofit junction box or low-voltage mounting ring
that clamps to the wallboard. You will cut a hole for the
outlet box, run the wires through, and install the box.
• If you’re dealing with lath and plaster or thick panel-
ing, you’ll need to use a different technique. Using a
1-inch flat bit, drill holes at the inside corners of the
pencil outline. Be careful not to drill beyond the out-
line. Then use a fine-toothed keyhole saw or a hack-
saw blade and with VERY slow strokes, saw through
the surface.
Determine the wire exit location on the wall. Identify
the nearest stud using the stud finder techniques above.
Using the outlet box as a template, trace a box just
Temporarily place the speaker’s outer mounting
to the left or right of the nearest stud. Using the same
1-inch drill bit as before, drill a 1-inch hole in the center
of the pencil outline you have drawn.
frame into the cut-out to insure that it fits properly. It’s
okay if the hole is slightly larger than the inner lip of the
frame, as it will be covered by the frame’s outer bezel.
Actual installation must wait until after you’ve routed the
speaker wires.
Insert a bent wire into the hole and probe to the
left and right to determine installation clearance.
Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the other speaker.
Install the retrofit junction box and cover it with an out-
When installing speakers in an internal (non-insulated)
wall, we recommend you place standard household
fiberglass insulation (without a vapor barrier) within the
wall cavity. This generally improves the sound produced
by the speakers and slightly reduces the transmission of
sound to the adjacent room. There will not be room to
place insulation directly behind the woofer magnet, but
let plate which has connections for the speaker wire termi-
nations. For your convenience, a full line of Russound
PlateMate™ connection systems such as the PlateMate
BP10D is available from your Russound dealer.
Figure 8
HOW – Hooking up the Speakers
(“+” AND “-”)
Speaker wire consists of two conductors, and the wire
should be manufactured so you can discriminate
between the two. If your wire has transparent insulation,
one conductor may be copper-colored and the other sil-
ver-colored. Generally, professionals denote the copper
one as POSITIVE (+) and the silver one as NEGATIVE (-).
1. Mount the speaker frame as shown in Figure 9.
Center and level the frame in the cut-out hole and tight-
en the #2 Phillips screws until the clamps rotate and
are drawn up snugly from behind, clamping the frame in
place. Tighten each screw snugly but do not over tight-
2. Cut off excess wire, leaving about 2 feet extending
through the frame.
3. Pull the speaker wire conductors apart so they’re sep-
arated for the first two inches from their ends.
If you’re using wire with an opaque insulation covering,
there will be one of the following differentiating markings:
4. Using a wire stripper, diagonal cutters, or a knife, careful-
ly remove 1/2 inch of insulation from each conductor.
1. A series of ribs or grooves on one conductor
2. A painted stripe or dotted line on one conductor
3. A string interwoven in the wire strands of one conductor
Figure 10
By convention, the marked conductor is positive (+) for
connection at both ends.
NOTE: It is important that you label your wires “left”
and “right” at both ends when you run them to elimi-
nate confusion during the installation process.
5. Twist the strands in each conductor into a tight spiral,
as shown in Figure 10.
6. Attach the speaker wires to the red and black speaker
terminals. Press down on the binding posts while insert-
ing the wire into the hole. Connect the POSITIVE (+)
conductor to the RED terminal and the NEGATIVE (-)
conductor to the BLACK speaker terminal for correct
7. Make sure that no stray strands of wire are touching
the other conductor.
8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for the other speaker(s).
Figure 11
Figure 9
HOW – Hooking up the Speakers
1. Cut off excess wire, leaving enough to easily reach from
the wall opening to your stereo system. If there’s a possi-
bility that you may move the amplifier to another part of
the room, consider leaving some excess wire coiled up.
Coil wire into concentric circles and secure with a tie wrap
or tape. If you’ve used sufficiently thick wire, this extra
length will not affect speaker performance and could make
re-routing easier if the room is rearranged later.
1. Route wiring through an electrical outlet box, retrofit
junction box, or low voltage mounting ring. Mount the
box or ring to the drywall.
2. Terminate the wires to a wall plate with binding posts
(Russound PlateMate BP10D is suitable), attaching the
POSITIVE (+) conductor to the RED terminal and the
NEGATIVE (-) conductor to the BLACK terminal. Mount
the wall plate to the outlet box.
2. Pull the speaker wire conductors apart so they’re sep-
arated for the last two inches from the end.
3. Using the remaining speaker wire, cut two pieces
long enough to reach from the wall plate to the back of
the amplifier/receiver.
3. Using wire strippers, diagonal cutters, or a knife, care-
fully remove 1/2 inch of insulation from each conductor.
4. IMPORTANT: Before connecting the speaker wires to
the amplifier/receiver, use a multimeter to test the
speaker wires for short circuits. If there is indication of a
short in the wiring, it must be corrected before the
speakers are connected to the amplifier/receiver. Failure
to do so may result in damage to the stereo equipment.
4. IMPORTANT: Before connecting the speaker wires to
the amplifier/receiver, use a multimeter to test the
speaker wires for short circuits. If there is indication of a
short in the wiring, it must be corrected before the
speakers are connected to the amplifier/receiver. Failure
to do so may result in damage to the stereo equipment.
5. Terminate wiring at both ends, from the
5. Connect the POSITIVE (+) conductor to the RED ter-
minal and the NEGATIVE (-) conductor to the BLACK
speaker terminal of the amplifier/receiver. For proper
sound, the “left” and “right” speaker wires must be
connected to the corresponding “left” and “right” speak-
er terminals on the amplifier/receiver.
amplifier/receiver to the wall plate. Connect the POSITIVE
(+) conductor to the RED terminal and the NEGATIVE (-)
conductor to the BLACK speaker terminal of the amplifi-
er/receiver. For proper sound, the “left” and “right” speak-
er wires must be connected to the corresponding “left”
and “right” speaker terminals on the amplifier/receiver.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for the other speaker(s).
Figure 12
HOW – Final Assembly of Speakers
3. Insert the speaker grille by placing it over the speaker
baffle and aligning its edges in the frame. Press gently
into place, taking care not to scratch the frame finish.
The grille is made from pliable, non-rusting aluminum. If
the grille seems loose in the frame, gently remove it,
carefully bend a slight flare on the outer edges, and re-
insert into the frame.
Up to this point in the installation process you have
located and cut the hole, mounted the speaker frame,
run the wires, and connected them to the speaker baffle
and to the amplifier/receiver. Now you will mount the
speaker into the frame and attach the grille.
1. Place the speaker baffle into the frame. The symmetri-
cal frame allows the Iso-Mount speaker to be installed
right-side up or inverted, to direct the pivoting tweeter
toward the intended listening position. Ideally, the tweeter
should be as close to ear level as possible when you’re
seated in the prime listening position.
Before you put away all of your tools, it’s a good idea to
test the speaker polarity and channel connections. It is
helpful if you’ve labeled your wires to identify the left
and right speakers.
2. Turn the Twist & Lock locking fasteners in each cor-
ner a quarter turn clockwise to secure the baffle to the
frame. They require some effort as you are also com-
pressing the Iso-Mount gasket. Make sure the gasket is
properly seated.
Figure 15
Figure 13
Polarity refers to the positive (+) and negative (-) electri-
cal elements of the speakers, wires, and connections.
The test for polarity ensures that positive and negative
wires and connections are not reversed. This test is per-
formed with the speaker wires disconnected from the
Figure 14
It is recommended that the wiring and speaker polarity
be tested with a 1.5V AA battery. You’ll need one person
at the speaker end and one person at the exit end of
the speaker wire near the amplifier/receiver.
1. While one person observes the woofer cone (grille
removed for better visibility), the other person momen-
tarily energizes the wire at the amplifier end with the
1.5V AA battery (the positive conductor at the positive
end, the negative conductor at the negative end of the
HOW – Final Assembly of Speakers
2. If the woofer cone moves outwards when momentari-
ly energized, the speaker is wired correctly. If the woofer
cone moves inward, the polarity is reversed, and the
wire’s positive and negative conductors should be
switched on the back of the speaker.
4. In-Wall Volume control not turned up or wired incorrectly
5. If using a speaker selector, room/station not turned
on or improperly connected
6. Short circuit causing amplifier/receiver to power
down or suffer damage
1. Turn on your stereo system. Make sure that the VOL-
UME control is turned down and that the BALANCE con-
trol is set to center.
7. Wire disconnected
1. Unsecured connection at either the speaker or ampli-
2. Activate a musical source such as FM or CD player.
3. Slowly turn up the volume. You should hear music
coming out of your new Russound Speakers. (If you
don’t, refer to the troubleshooting guide below.)
2. Balance control turned all the way left or right
3. Bad connecting cable between sound source and
4. Make sure sound emanates from all speakers in the
4. Short circuit causing amplifier/receiver to power
down or suffer damage
5. Now rotate the stereo’s BALANCE control all the way to
the LEFT. Sound should only come from the left speaker.
If sound comes from the right speaker when the stereo’s
balance control is turned to the LEFT, you’ll need to swap
the connections on the back of the amplifier/receiver.
For any other speaker performance issues, contact your
Russound dealer or call our Tech Services department
at 603-659-5170.
6. FIRST turn DOWN the VOLUME and turn OFF the
7. For Surround Sound use the level setting test tone
built into most Surround Sound processors.
8. Swap the wires attached to the left and right speaker
9. Repeat steps 1 through 5.
Before seeking service from your Russound dealer,
please read through these troubleshooting tips for sim-
ple remedies.
1. Incorrect source selected on receiver or preamplifier
2. Mute button pressed on receiver
3. Wrong speaker output selected; many receivers have
an “A” and “B” speaker switch
Speaker Specifications
Series: Music
Model: SP-M6IM
Description: Rectangular In-wall
Cut-Out: 10.75” H x 6.75” W (27.3 cm x 17.1 cm)
Woofer: 6.5” (16.5 cm) woven glass fiber
Tweeter: Pivoting 20mm (0.8”) silk dome,
fluid cooled
Recommended Power: 5 - 100 watts
Nominal Impedance: 8 Ohms
Efficiency: 89 dB (1W @ 1M w/1kHz)
Frequency Response: 50Hz - 20kHz +/- 3 dB
Frame: ABS plastic, symmetrical
Grille: Fine mesh aluminum
Mounting: Iso-Mount vibration damping with
quarter-turn Twist & Lock fasteners
Dimensions: 12.25” H x 8.25” W (31.1 cm x 20.9 cm)
Series: Music
Model: SP-M8IM
Description: Rectangular In-wall
Cut-Out: 15.0” H x 9.25” W (38.1 cm x 23.5 cm)
Woofer: 8.0” (20.3 cm) woven glass fiber
Tweeter: Pivoting 25mm (1.0”) silk dome,
fluid cooled
Recommended Power: 5 - 120 watts
Nominal Impedance: 8 Ohms
Efficiency: 90 dB (1W @ 1M w/1kHz)
Frequency Response: 40Hz - 20kHz +/- 3 dB
Frame: ABS plastic, symmetrical
Grille: Fine mesh aluminum
Mounting: Iso-Mount vibration damping with
quarter-turn Twist & Lock fasteners
Dimensions: 16.375” H x 10.625” W (41.5 cm x 26.9 cm)
Series: Hi-Fi
Model: SP-H6IM
Description: Rectangular In-wall
Cut-Out: 10.75” H x 6.75” W (27.3 cm x 17.1 cm)
Woofer: 6.5” (16.5 cm) woven glass fiber
long throw
Tweeter: Pivoting 20mm (0.8”) aluminum dome,
fluid cooled
Recommended Power: 5 - 120 watts
Nominal Impedance: 6 Ohms
Efficiency: 90 dB (1W @ 1M w/1kHz)
Frequency Response: 45Hz - 20kHz +/- 3 dB
Frame: ABS plastic, symmetrical
Grille: Fine mesh aluminum
Mounting: Iso-Mount vibration damping
with quarter-turn Twist & Lock fasteners
Dimensions: 12.25” H x 8.25” W (31.1 cm x 20.9 cm)
Series: Hi-Fi
Model: SP-H8IM
Description: Rectangular In-wall
Cut-Out: 15.0” H x 9.25” W (38.1 cm x 23.5 cm)
Woofer: 8.0” (20.3 cm) woven glass fiber
long throw
Tweeter: Pivoting 25mm (1.0”) aluminum dome,
fluid cooled
Recommended Power: 5 -140 watts
Nominal Impedance: 6 Ohms nominal
Efficiency: 91 dB (1W @ 1M w/1kHz)
Frequency Response: 35Hz - 20kHz +/- 3 dB
Frame: ABS plastic, symmetrical
Grille: Fine mesh aluminum
Mounting: Iso-Mount vibration damping
with quarter-turn Twist & Lock fasteners
Dimensions: 16.375” H x 10.625” W (41.5 cm x 26.9 cm)
Warranty & Repair
All Russound Advantage Speaker products have a Limited Lifetime Warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.
Proof of Purchase must accompany all claims. During the warranty period Russound will replace any defective part and cor-
rect any defect in workmanship without charge for either parts or labor.
Russound may replace returned speakers with a product of equal value and performance. In such cases, some modi-
fications to the mounting may be necessary and are not Russound’s responsibility.
For this warranty to apply, the unit must be installed and used according to its written instructions. If necessary,
repairs must be performed by Russound. The unit must be returned to Russound at the owner’s expense and with
prior written permission. Accidental damage and shipping damage are not considered defects, nor is damage result-
ing from abuse or from servicing performed by an agency or person not specifically authorized in writing by
Russound products are sold only through authorized Dealers and Distributors to ensure that customers obtain proper
support and service. Russound reserves the right to limit the warranty of products purchased from an unauthorized
dealer or other source, including retailers, mail order sellers, and online sellers, to ninety (90) days from the date of
Damage to or destruction of components due to application of excessive power voids the warranty on those parts. In
these cases, repairs will be made on the basis of the retail value of the parts and labor. To return for repairs, the unit
must be shipped to Russound at the owner’s expense, along with a note explaining the nature of service required. Be
sure to pack the speaker(s) in a corrugated container with at least 3 inches of resilient material to protect the unit
from damage in transit.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
• Damage caused by abuse, accident, misuse, negligence, or improper operation (installation).
• Products that have been altered or modified.
• Any product whose identifying number or decal, serial #, etc. has been altered, defaced or removed.
• Normal wear and maintenance.
Due to our continual efforts to improve product quality as new technology and techniques become available,
Russound/FMP, Inc. reserves the right to revise speaker systems specifications without notice.
5 Forbes Road, Newmarket, NH 03857
tel 603.659.5170 • fax 603.659.5388
e-mail: tech@russound.com
fax-on-demand: 603.659.5590
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