UNO-TS2 Touchscreen
Instruction Manual
User Guide
Introduction ........................................................................................................4
Front Panel and Home Screen ............................................................................5-6
Source Screens Common Features ......................................................................7
Source Screen Examples......................................................................................8
Controlling the Russound ST2 Tuner ................................................................9-10
Controlling the Russound SMS3 Media Server ................................................11-12
Setting Room Preferences ............................................................................13-14
Installer Guide
UNO-TS2 Overview ............................................................................................15
Front Panel ........................................................................................................16
Back Panel ........................................................................................................17
Connections ......................................................................................................18
IR Receiver Connection ......................................................................................19
Keypad Port Connections ..................................................................................20
Installation ........................................................................................................21
Configuring Sources ..........................................................................................22
Installer Setup Functions
About ............................................................................................................23
Zone and Controller ID....................................................................................23
Factory Initialization ........................................................................................23
Firmware Update............................................................................................25
Technical Specifications......................................................................................26
Note: The following minimum firmware revisions are required for use with the UNO-TS2:
CAV6.6 Rev. 3
2.01.16 or higher
3.01.10 or higher
1.01.05 or higher
1.01.01 or higher
2.00.05 or higher
3.00.10 or higher
3.00.10 or higher
2.00.05 or higher
2.00.07 or higher
CAV6.6 Rev. 4
CAM Internal AM/FM Tuner
CAM Internal XM Module
ST2 Dual Tuner
ST2-XM (ST2 Chassis)
ST2-XM (XM Module)
SMS3 Media Server
Stylish to look at, a joy to use. The UNO-TS2 Touchscreen is a full-featured color touchscreen that
provides a powerful user interface for Russound multi-source, multi-zone A/V systems. The user can
easily access, control and enjoy music and video from anywhere in the home. Housed in an attrac-
tive bezel, the UNO-TS2 features beautifully rendered screens and elegantly simple displays.
The UNO-TS2 offers touch-sensitive screen templates for defined source controls, and responsive
hard buttons for most-often used commands. It is designed to operate in the same manner as the
Russound UNO-S2 keypad, but with audible feedback and a more detailed display of source func-
tions. It also features IR reception for use with remote control.
The UNO-TS2 is designed to complement a Russound RNET audio distribution system such as the
CAV6.6 and the CAM6.6. It controls the newest Russound components: the SMS3 media server and
the ST2 Tuner with AM/FM and satellite radio. The touchscreen provides the user with valuable infor-
mation such as Channel, Artist, Song Title, Genre and more, all in real time. It supports custom
names for presets, banks, themes and sources for a truly personal touch. The UNO-TS2 makes a
great addition to an existing RNET system, as it can be installed into an existing double-gang junction
Touchscreen Overview
Main Screen
The main or “home” screen is the starting point for using the UNO-TS2. The installer has configured
the touchscreen to match the source and system setup completed for the CAV6.6 or CAM6.6
Source Screens
Each system component is controlled through screens designed specifically for that source. Control
choices may be found on the source screens, and additional functions may be available through the
hard buttons.
Options Screens
Zone preferences can be set through the Options screens. These include Do Not Disturb, sound level
adjustments, and screen brightness. Options for the installer are also located here.
Hard Buttons
There are eight hard buttons that frame the touchscreen, each of which performs a basic function.
The right-hand side buttons are disabled when the main screen is showing, but have secondary uses
for some sources. These extra functions are indicated by an arrow and function name on source
screens next to the hard buttons.
IR Receiver
The IR receiver is hidden behind a tinted window at the top of the bezel and transmits IR signals from
a remote control back to the controller to control the sources.
Front Panel and Home Screen
IR RECEIVER - Receives IR signals from source
and UNO-LRC1 remote controls, and passes them
to the controller and source equipment
POWER - Turn room power on/off. Press and hold
for system all on/all off
PAUSE - Pause/mute for selected source
TOUCHSCREEN - Full color resistive touchscreen
with multi-sound feedback
VOLUME DOWN - Adjust volume down for room
controlled by touchscreen
PLUS - Adjust setting for selected source
MINUS - Adjust setting for selected source
NEXT - Go to next selection for selected source
10 VOLUME UP - Adjust volume up for room con-
trolled by touchscreen
PREVIOUS - Go to previous selection for selected
Home Screen
Home Screen Fields
1. Display Window
disc, etc. To store a favorite preset, select a
source to be stored, choose the desired station,
channel or disc, and adjust the room settings.
Return to the home screen by pressing the
“Home” button. Press and hold either F1 or F2;
the selection is confirmed when F1 or F2 SAVED
is displayed on the screen and a “harp” sound is
At the top of the screen, the display window
shows the active source name and peripheral
info. A red bar reflects the volume level in the
room the touchscreen is controlling. The small
boxes with “master,” “party,” “shared” and “DND”
reflect system status of shared source, party
mode and master keypad, and do not disturb
settings. These are accessed through the
Options button.
4. Sources
The six buttons in the middle of the screen show
the six assigned names of the sources in the
CAV6.6 or CAM6.6 system. As each source but-
ton is pressed, a different screen appears that is
customized to the source. These source screens
come in “sets”; there may be more than one
screen per source that provides source informa-
tion and selection options. In addition, the hard
buttons on the right side of the touchscreen
have secondary functions that are indicated with
text on the specific source screens.
2. Options
The Options button provides access to screens
where room sound adjustments are made, and
features are accessed. It also provides access
to installer settings.
3. Favorites
The F1 and F2 buttons are user favorite presets.
These presets can be selected at any time to
recall source selection, volume, favorite channel,
Common Features of Source Screens
Although there are different screens for different
sources, they do share some common features.
1. Primary Display
All source screens contain a primary display win-
dow which generally shows the same information
that appears in the UNO-S2 keypad display,
including the current source name, system
messages and display messages from some
2. Volume Bar
This thin red rectangle runs along the bottom of
the Primary Display. The size of the bar indicates
the current volume for the room, expanding from Some source functions are accessed through
left to right.
current source is in the Do Not Disturb mode.
When in this mode, other rooms are prevented
from changing the state of the source (change
channels, etc.). The DND icon also appears on
keypads for all other rooms that select this
6. "Shared" Icon
The small graphic “S” becomes highlighted on
the right side of the Primary Display when the
selected source is also selected on one or more
other rooms.
7. Hard Button Secondary Functions
the right-hand hard buttons and are indicated
with text and arrows next to the hard buttons.
8. Navigation Bar
Each screen contains a navigation bar along the
bottom to switch between screens.
9. Home Button
This button returns to the home screen.
10. Back Button
This button returns to the previously displayed
11. "X of Y" Indicator
3. "Master" Icon
The small graphic “M” becomes highlighted on
the right side of the Primary Display when the
current room is the Party Master, controlling
zones in the system that are on and have Party
Mode enabled.
4. "Party" Icon
The small graphic “P” becomes highlighted on
the right side of the Primary Display when the
system is in the Party mode and it is active in
the current room.
5. "DND" Icon
The small graphic “DND” becomes highlighted
on the right side of the Primary Display when the
This middle button provides navigation between
multiple screens in a source set. Each press
moves to the next screen in the set (e.g., 2 of 3).
CD Changer
1 of 2
Source Screen Examples
The UNO-TS2 offers up a new screen for each source that is configured in the RNET system. A
source can be a CD Player or Changer, DVD Player or Changer, VCR, Cable, Tuner, Satellite, Satellite
Radio, Russound SMS3 Media Server or ST2 Tuner (AM/FM/XM). After the installer has configured
the sources in the RNET system and in the UNO-TS2, you will be able to control the source through
its custom screen and through the applicable hard buttons on the sides of the screen.
Example of DVD Changer Source Screens
DVD Changer
Screen “buttons” -
control the selected
source when pressed
Source control buttons:
stop, play, pause, etc.
1 of 3
DVD Changer
Screen “X” of “Y” indi-
cator - press to change
Direct numeric entry of
disc or chapter
2 of 3
DVD Changer
Menu navigation
Secondary hard button
functions - may change
from screen to screen
3 of 3
Controlling the Russound ST2 Tuner
The UNO-TS2 offers an expanded view of source information and selections when used with the
Russound ST2-XM Tuner in an RNET system. The tuner screens allow you to see bank and preset
names in a single view, with the ability to save a preset right from the touchscreen. For satellite
radio, a screen is provided to show the channel name plus the artist and song in the same screen.
You can also search for music by channel category. If the UNO-TS2 is powered on before the ST2
Tuner is turned on, existing preset names may not appear until after the tuner’s boot up procedure is
complete (less than a minute).
Satellite Radio Navigation
XM Radio
The XM satellite radio main screen displays an
expanded one-glance view of listening informa-
tion, showing current channel, artist and song
title. The hard button secondary functions let you
change channels or scroll through memory pre-
sets for that bank without leaving the main XM
70:Real Jazz
Stan Getz
Blue Skies
1 of 4
Example of XM satellite main screen
Banks and Memory Presets
XM Radio
Up to six presets can be stored for each of six
banks per tuner. Select the bank by scrolling
using the forward/back arrow next to the bank
name. The bank name shows in the window.
Using the “channel” or “tune” up/down hard but-
ton functions, select the desired channel or sta-
tion. Press and hold one of the six buttons to
save the preset. When you hear the harp sound
from the touchscreen, the preset is saved. The
preset name then appears on the buttons. These
may be custom names, satellite radio channel
names, or frequencies (e.g., 107.1 MHz FM,
22:MIX). New presets can be saved over existing
presets using the same method.
Dad’s Music
Real Jazz
The 90s
Top 20
The Groove
2 of 4
Example of Bank and Preset screen for
ST2-XM Tuner
Controlling the Russound ST2 Tuner
The ST2 tuner screens on the UNO-TS2 allow you to directly enter a station’s frequency or perform a
station seek or scan function from the touchscreen. Bank and preset memory names show in a single
screen view, and you can save a new preset right from the touchscreen. If the UNO-TS2 is powered
on before the ST2 Tuner is turned on, existing preset names may not appear until after the tuner’s
boot up procedure is complete (less than a minute).
Numeric Station/Channel Selection
Tuner 2
Tuner stations or channels can be directly select-
ed from the numeric entry screen. For satellite
radio channels, enter the channel number (from
1 to 3 digits). For AM/FM, enter the 3- or 4-digit
frequency number. Press the AM or FM button to
conveniently switch between AM and FM from
the touchscreen.
2 of 3
Example of numeric station/channel
selection screen for ST2 Tuner
AM/FM Tuner Advanced Features
The AM/FM tuner advanced controls are
107.1 MHz FM
accessed from the “3 of 3” screen. Select Local
or Distant reception and stereo or mono signal.
For Seek and Scan functions, press the appropri-
ate button to begin. Press the Stop button to
end. The hard button secondary function lets you
select a frequency by tuning up or down, and
select a preset memory from the current bank
without leaving this screen.
Example of AM/FM tuner screen
Controlling the Russound SMS3 Media Server
The UNO-TS2 offers an expanded view of source information and selections when used with the
Russound SMS3 Media Server in an RNET system. A single view shows the active theme, artist
name, song title and album name. Linked screens show more detailed song information and lead to
search fields to choose music by genre, artist, album and more.
Media Server Main Screen
The main screen for the media server shows the
current Stream, current Theme, and What’s
His Music
Playing now. When navigating within the media
Relax at Night
server screen set, you can return to this screen
by pressing “main” on the navigation bar. The
hard button secondary functions let you scroll
through Themes or select another song within
the current Theme without leaving the main
B.B. King
Why I Sing The Blues
Chains and Things
Example of SMS3 Media Server Main
Media Server More Detail Screen
His Music
The More Detail screen for the media server
shows expanded information for the current
song: artist, album, song, and genre. The hard
button secondary functions let you scroll through
Themes or select another song within the cur-
rent Theme without leaving the screen.
B.B. King
Why I Sing The Blues
Chains and Things
Electric Blues
Example of SMS3 Media Server More
Detail (What’s Playing) screen
Controlling the Russound SMS3 Media Server
Media Server Music Request Screen
by Theme
The Request Music screen for the media server
lets you request music a variety of ways: by
Artist, by Album, by Genre and more. Press the
desired item to proceed to that category’s selec-
by Genre
by Artist
by Album
by Song Title
by Internet Radio
Example of SMS3 Media Server Music
Request screen
Media Server Request “by” Screen
Stream 1
Each “request” selection screen shows the first
four items in the list selected. To drill down the
item you want, use the “enter text” field to enter
the name desired. The hard button secondary
functions let you scroll through the alphabet to
spell the name, using “letter” to choose the let-
ter and “cursor” to move to the next character.
As letters are entered, the list displays the
results. Additional results can be viewed by
pressing the scroll up/down buttons on the left
of the screen. When you see the selection you
want, touch the selection bar to play it, or if
choosing artist, advance to the next screen in
the selection process.
1.Jack Johnson
2.James Taylor
3.Jeff Beck
4.Jethro Tull
Example of SMS3 Media Server “Request
by Artist” screen
Setting Room Preferences
Options Screen
The Options button on the home screen brings
up a variety of room and screen setting options
and touchscreen adjustments.
CAV front A/V - This button selects as a
source the component connected to the CAV6.6
front A/V connection.
Features, Sound Control and Screen Setup -
These buttons bring up additional screens and
are discussed below.
Options screen (when Options is
selected from the home screen)
Features Screen
Stream 3
The Features button on the Options screen
brings up a variety of room setting options.
Turn On Volume - This sets the room’s default
volume when the room is turned on.
Party Mode - When in “PARTY MODE” the sys-
tem is primarily controlled by a “MASTER” Keypad.
Party Mode links all rooms to the same source
which is selected by the Master Keypad room. Any
keypad in the system can become a Master
Keypad (if enabled) but only one Master Keypad
may exist at a time in Party Mode.
Party Mode Off
Features screen (when Features is
selected from the Options screen)
Volume level changes at the Master Keypad will be
reflected in all rooms in Party Mode. Non-Master
zones in Party Mode can temporarily override
Master Keypad volume level adjustments for their
particular room preference. Master Keypad will not
change Bass, Treble, or Loudness adjustments for
any other rooms other than the Master Keypad
room. Every other keypad will still operate its
respective bass, treble, balance and loudness
adjustments for that room.
Do Not Disturb - Do Not Disturb means do not
disturb this room and selected source. This stops
an “All Off" or Party Mode command from affecting
this room. When another UNO Systems Keypad
selects the same source, a DND icon will appear
alerting the user the source is in Do Not Disturb
Setting Room Preferences
Sound Control Screen
The Sound Control button on the Options screen
brings up a variety of room setting options.
Bass - Adjust the bass level for the room
Balance - Adjust the left-to-right speaker
balance for the room
Treble - Adjust the treble for the room
Loudness - Turn loudness (more bass, fuller
sound at “low” volumes) on or off for the room.
A checkmark appears to indicate “Loudness”
Sound Control screen (when Sound
Control is selected from the Options
Screen Setup Screen
Screen Setup
The Screen Setup button on the Options screen
brings up a variety of touchscreen setting
Contrast - Adjust the touchscreen contrast
Brightness - Adjust the touchscreen brightness
Screen Blank (min) - Adjust the time (in min-
utes) it takes for the touchscreen to activate its
screen-saving darkening feature after the last
use. A value of 0 (zero) disables the screen
blank feature.
Save - Press to save settings. You will hear a
Screen Setup screen (when Screen
Setup is selected from the Options
ring tone for audible confirmation of “Save.”
Installers Setup - Installer-only functions
UNO-TS2 Overview
UNO-TS2 Overview for Installers
Note: The following minimum firmware revisions are required for use with the UNO-TS2:
CAV6.6 Rev. 3
2.01.16 or higher
3.01.10 or higher
1.01.05 or higher
1.01.01 or higher
2.00.05 or higher
3.00.10 or higher
3.00.10 or higher
2.00.05 or higher
2.00.07 or higher
CAV6.6 Rev. 4
CAM Internal AM/FM Tuner
CAM Internal XM Module
ST2 Dual Tuner
ST2-XM (ST2 Chassis)
ST2-XM (XM Module)
SMS3 Media Server
The UNO-TS2 is an RNET-system enabled touch-
screen that functions similarly to the UNO-S2
keypad. It fits into a double-gang 32ci low volt-
age PVC junction box, uses a CAT-5 110 punch-
down connection, and supports one external IR
receiver. Active system status icons appear on
the screen (shared, master, party and do not dis-
turb). An “All On” or “All Off” can be performed
by pressing and holding the power button.
share the SA-ZX3 with an UNO-TS2, but they
must be configured for the same zone.
After sources are configured in the RNET sys-
tem, they must be configured in the UNO-TS2
using a simple onscreen process under Installers
Setup. The configured source names (up to 6)
appear on the UNO-TS2 main screen, and unas-
signed source buttons remain blank. Custom
source names are set up in the optional PC
Power Tools program, and standard names are
set up with an UNO-S1 or UNO-S2 keypad.
The CAV6.6 or CAM6.6 controller can NOT be
configured from the UNO-TS2. Controller configu-
ration must be performed using an UNO-S2 key-
pad or the PC Power Tool program.
The UNO-TS2 features pre-configured source
templates. Due to the unique screens used for
each source, the UNO-TS2 does not support the
key mapping features of the UNO-S1/S2 key-
pads. Custom key configuration (Key
Configuration menu of controller) is not recom-
mended and may result in unexpected behavior
by the UNO-TS2.
For One UNO-TS2 per Controller
Note: 12V Zone triggers cannot be used
with this keypad configuration.
An RNET controller (CAV6.6, CAM6.6) supports
one UNO-TS2 and up to five UNO keypads per
controller, connected to the UNO System Keypad
Ports located on the back of the controller.
The UNO-TS2 screen blanker darkens the screen
when it has not been touched for a certain
amount of time. A touch to the screen brings the
screen back. This screen blank time can be
adjusted from 0 minutes (disables screen
blanker) to over an hour.
For 2 to 6 UNO-TS2s per Controller
(One UNO-TS2 per Zone)
Each UNO-TS2 must be connected to an SA-ZX3
Keypad Splitter. The SA-ZX3 is powered by a
1201A 1A power supply and uses an RJ-45
CAT-5 patch cable to connect to the controller’s
UNO Keypad Port. UNO-S1/S2 keypads can
The UNO-TS2 may require future updates for
screens and for firmware. These updates are
performed in a similar fashion as UNO-S2
updates, with a programming cable and a PC.
UNO-TS2 Front Panel
UNO-TS2 without front cover plate
RESET BUTTON - Resets the UNO-TS2 after upgrades or programming
(similar to cycling power)
OS UPDATE PORT - Port used for UNO touchscreen OS software
updates. Requires the Russound Programming Cable
(P/N 2500-121036)
UNO-TS2 Back Panel
+12V BR/W
110 PUNCHDOWN CONNECTOR - Termination for RNET CAT-5 connection
between the UNO-TS2 Keypad and the CAV6.6/CAM6.6 controller
RESET BUTTON - Reset touchscreen after firmware updates
(same as reset button on front)
EXTERNAL IR RECEIVER IN CONNECTOR - Connection for an external IR
UNO-TS2 Touchscreen Connections
CAT-5 Connection
RJ-45 Connections
The UNO-TS2 Touchscreen uses a 110-punchdown
terminal to provide a simple installation and strong
connection for CAT-5 cable’s eight conductors.
Punchdown terminals require the use of a punchdown
tool. Attach the CAT-5 cable to the 110-punchdown
terminal on the UNO-TS2 touchscreen as shown,
matching the conductor colors to the connection
color guide. The keypad will not operate properly if
the terminations deviate from the required connection
The CAT-5 T568A wiring standard is used for RJ-45 ter-
Take care when using an impact 110 punchdown tool,
as this may overspread the contact points. Use of the
impact tool may propel stray bits of wire and jacket into
the keypad’s chassis and possibly cause a short in the
circuitry. Gently shake or blow air through the keypad
chassis to remove stray wire before the keypad is
installed into the junction box.
Installation Considerations
The best infrared remote performance is achieved with
the touchscreen away from any direct sunlight, plasma
TV, and low voltage lighting controls. Also consider con-
venience when choosing a location.
• The maximum recommended wire run length is 250
feet for each UNO touchscreen.
Keypad Wiring
• Make sure that the entire wire path between key-
pads and the controller is clear and not obstructed by
a floor ceiling joist, or masonry wall which can’t be
drilled through.
For the UNO touchscreen, the following connections
are used to terminate the CAT-5 wire to the RNET 110
punchdown on the touchscreen:
• Confirm ahead of time that you can drill an outlet
hole easily and in an unobtrusive spot to connect
wires with the controller.
Green ..................................................Ground
Green/White ......................................Status In
Orange ................................................Ground
Orange/White ........................................IR Out
Blue......................................................COM A
Blue/White............................................COM B
• Label wires with keypad and room location. This
simplifies connections once the keypads and speak-
ers are installed.
OS Update Port
The OS Update Port is is used to update the UNO-TS2
touchscreen operating system software in the future.
When an update is released, it will be available online
through the Document Center at
under Multi-zone products. The Programming cable is
available from Russound, Part #2500-121036.
UNO-TS2 IR Receiver Connection
The UNO-TS2 also has an External IR Receiver In
terminal for connecting an external IR Receiver
such as the Russound 858, SaphIR 862 Eye, or
SaphIR 860 Phantom.
receiver model’s manual for the specific wire
Use 2 twisted pair wire with one pair connecting
GND (GROUND) and IR (SIGNAL) and the other
pair connecting ST (STATUS) and V+ (+12VDC).
Connect the shield or drain to ground at the
UNO-TS2 only.
Note: Installing an external IR receiver and
UNO-TS2 in the same room, with visibility to
both may cause poor IR performance.
If you plan to use an additional IR receiver with
the UNO-TS2, first determine the location of the
IR receiver, then measure the distance from the
intended location to the UNO touchscreen loca-
tion. Incorporating optional IR receivers will
require additional wire. Consult the selected IR
+12V BR/W
Back of
858 IR
Back of
UNO-TS2 Touchscreen Controller Connections
For One UNO-TS2 per Controller
An RNET controller (CAV6.6, CAM6.6) supports
one UNO-TS2 and up to five UNO keypads per
controller, connected to the UNO System
Keypad Ports located on the rear panel.
Caution: 12V Zone triggers on the
RNET controller cannot be used with
this keypad configuration due to 12V
power supply capacity. Use an SA-ZX3
and power supply if triggers are used.
12V Zone trig-
gers cannot be
used with this
For 2 to 6 UNO-TS2s per Controller
(One UNO-TS2 per Zone)
Each UNO-TS2 must be connected to an SA-ZX3
Keypad Splitter. The SA-ZX3 is powered by a
1201A 1A power supply and uses an RJ-45
CAT-5 patch cable to connect to the controller’s
UNO Keypad Port.
The UNO-TS2 connects to the SA-ZX3 with a
CAT-5 110 punchdown on the touchscreen end
and an RJ-45 connection on the SA-ZX3 end.
UNO-S1/S2 keypads can share the SA-ZX3 with
an UNO-TS2, but they must be configured for the
same zone.
UNO-TS2 Touchscreen Installation
Keypad Installation
Size of UNO-TS2 bezel
6.0”W x 4.875”H
To install a double-gang keypad, you will need a
UL/CSA approved plastic 32ci double-gang
electrical box.
Note the minimal clearance around the box for
the bezel. This is larger than a typical light
switch cover, so additional space may be
For best viewing and usage, the UNO-TS2
should be mounted at thermostat height, or
about 59” from the floor.
Size of standard 2-gang box
4.0”W x 3.81”H
Route CAT-5 wire to the junction box from the con-
Use the supplied 110 punchdown tool to con-
nect each wire to its corresponding color
labeled on the punchdown terminal.
Size of standard 2-gang wallplate
Mount the keypad in the electrical box and
attach the cover plate. Repeat the steps until all
keypads are installed.
4.56”W x 4.5”H
UNO-TS2 bezel size vs. standard wallplate
32ci plastic junction box
UNO-TS2 Bezel
UNO-TS2 touchscreen
Touchscreen Bezel Removal
To remove the bezel from the front of an
sound is the bezel locking tabs releasing from
the frame catch. The bezel can now be lifted
from the touchscreen
installed touchscreen, you will need a flat screw-
driver. Place the screwdriver blade in the slot
between the bezel and the molding, located
below the “R” on the bottom edge of the bezel.
Twist the blade until a loud click is heard; this
To replace the bezel, center it over the front of
the touchscreen and press firmly until the bezel
clicks into place.
Configuring Sources
For proper operation, Russound components
must be assigned the correct Source Type in the
UNO-TS2 Source Setup process. The following
chart references Russound components to UNO-
TS2 Source Types.
5. Press the “Source Setup” button on the
Installer Setup screen.
6. Press the “Source 1” button. When entering
the Source Setup menu for the first time after a
controller has been programmed, the Source
Name may take a few seconds to appear cor-
rectly in the Source Setup screen display. Simply
wait a few seconds and the correct Source
Name will appear.
Russound Component
ST2 Tuner
Source Type
Russsound Tuner
Satellite Radio
SMS3 Media Server
SMS3 Media Server
7. Press the left/right arrows next to the source
type field on the screen until the proper source
type name appears. This type must match the
source connected to source 1 on the controller.
The Name field is automatically configured from
the controller.
8. Press the “back” button.
9. Repeat the last 3 steps for up to 5 more sources.
10. Press the “home” button.
After sources have been configured and given
custom names (if applicable) in the CAV6.6 or
CAM6.6 system, they must also be configured in
the UNO-TS2. This procedure assigns the correct
screen templates for each source type.
1. The UNO-TS2 must be connected to the con-
troller and both must be powered on. Wait 20
seconds after being powered before beginning
the configuration process.
2. Press the “Options” button on the home screen.
3. Press the “Screen Set Up” button on the
Options screen.
4. Press and hold (for 3 or more seconds) the
“Installers Setup” button on the Screen Setup screen.
11. Confirm that all configured sources appear
on the main screen buttons.
12. Press each of the source buttons and con-
firm that the correct screen is loaded.
Screen Setup
Screen Setup button
Installers Setup button
Options button
Installers Setup
Source 1 Setup
Source Setup
CD Changer
Source Setup button
Source # button
Source type
Other Installer Setup Functions
Several installer-level functions are accessible
from the Installers Setup screen.
controlling and the ID number of the controller to
which it is connected.
About - This screen shows the current firmware
Note: The controller must be power cycled after
the Zone Number and/or Controller ID is
changed on the UNO-TS2
and screen versions on this touchscreen.
Zone and Controller ID - On this screen, enter
the touchscreen’s zone number the UNO-TS2 is
About this keypad
Zone and Controller IDs
Firmware Version: X.XX
Screens Version: X.XX.XX
This screen is shown when “About”
is selected
This screen is shown when “Zone and
Controller ID” is selected
Factory Init - This screen allows a factory initialization to be performed on the touchscreen.
This sets the unit back to its factory settings.
Factory Init
Factory Init
Are you sure?
Factory Init complete
This will Factory Init the touch-screen only
This screen is shown when “Factory
Init” is selected
This screen is shown when the
Factory Initialization is complete
Other Installer Setup Functions
Diagnostics - This series of screens provides
access to the diagnostics to provide some sim-
ple testing of the touchscreen’s performance.
Hard Button Test - This screen is a tool for
testing the hard buttons on the sides of the
touchscreen. As each button is pressed, the but-
ton's name is spoken by the keypad, e.g.,
Volume Up, Volume Down, Pause, etc.
Hard Button Test
This screen is shown when
“Diagnostics” is selected
This screen is shown when “Hard
Button Test“ is selected
Touch Test - This screen is a tool for checking
the touch sensitivity and calibration of the key-
pad. As each letter or number is pressed, the
touchscreen “says” the letter/number.
White, Blue and Red Screen - Turns the entire
screen white, blue or red. This allows you to see
any bad pixels. Returns to the Diagnostics
screen if you touch anywhere on the display.
Touch Test
This screen is shown when “Touch
Test” is selected
This screen is shown in color when
White, Blue or Red Screen is selected
Other Installer Setup Functions
Firmware Update
Firmware Update
There may be future updates to the UNO-TS2
firmware. Updates will be available online through
under Multi-zone.
The Firmware Update page is reached from the
Installers Setup screen. This screen is the first
step in the firmware update process. The
Russound Programming Cable (P/N 2500-
121036) must be connected to the OS update
port on the front of the UNO-TS2. When ready,
press the “Update my software” button to start the
update process.
The controller must be power cycled after the
firmware or screens have been updated. If multiple
screens are being updated, power cycle after all
have been updated.
This screen is shown when
“Firmware Update” is selected
Russound Information
Russound Information
The Russound Information page is accessed by
pressing on the Russound logo on the Installers
Setup screen. You can also press the “UNO” logo
on the touchscreen Home screen.
The screen shows the Russound phone number
and web address.
This screen can also be used as a “cleaning”
screen, as nearly all its inactive surface can be
firmly wiped without initiating any control actions.
This screen is shown when “Russound”
is pressed on the Installers Setup
Technical Specifications
Power Requirements: 12VDC @ 350mA
CAT-5 Connection: 110 punchdown
Dimensions: Inside J-Box
3.675"W x 1.
50"D x 2.850"H
(9.3 x 2.9 x 7.2 cm)
Front Panel
5.750”W x 1.0”D x 4.650”H
(14.6 x 2.5 x 11.8 cm)
Fits UL/CSA Approved Double-gang Junction Box
Weight: 1 lb 2.5 oz. (524 g)
Warranty Repair
The Russound UNO-TS2 is fully guaranteed against all defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years
from the date of purchase. During this period, Russound will replace any defective parts and correct any defect in
workmanship without charge for either parts or labor.
For this warranty to apply, the unit must be installed and used according to its written instructions. If service is
necessary, it must be performed by Russound. The unit must be returned to Russound at the owner's expense
and with prior written permission. Accidental damage and shipping damage are not considered defects, nor is
damage resulting from abuse or from servicing by an agency or person not specifically authorized in writing by
This Warranty does not cover:
• Damage caused by abuse, accident, misuse, negligence,
or improper installation or operation
• Power surges and lightning strikes
• Normal wear and maintenance
• Products that have been altered or modified
• Any product whose identifying number, decal, serial number, etc.
has been altered, defaced or removed
Russound sells products only through authorized Dealers and Distributors to ensure that customers obtain proper
support and service. Any Russound product purchased from an unauthorized dealer or other source, including
retailers, mail order sellers and online sellers will not be honored or serviced under existing Russound warranty
policy. Any sale of products by an unauthorized source or other manner not authorized by Russound shall void the
warranty on the applicable product. Damage to or destruction of components due to application of excessive
power voids the warranty on those parts. In these cases, repairs will be made on the basis or the retail value of
the parts and labor. To return for repairs, the unit must be shipped to Russound at the owner's expense, along
with a note explaining the nature of service required. Be sure to pack the unit in a corrugated container with at
least three (3) inches of resilient material to protect the unit from damage in transit.
Before returning a unit for repair, call Russound at (603) 659-5170 for a Return Authorization number. Write this
number on the shipping label and ship to: Russound, ATTN: Service, 5 Forbes Road, Newmarket, NH 03857
Due to continual efforts to improve product quality as new technology and techniques become available,
Russound/FMP, Inc. reserves the right to revise system specifications without notice.
UNO-TS2 Touchscreen
Instruction Manual
5 Forbes Road, Newmarket, NH 03857
tel 603.659.5170 • fax 603.659.5388
28-1163 Rev. 1 07/05/05
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